Wednesday, September 05, 2007

The 0.1% Solution - a comment on a post @ Reflections on Faith and Culture

Gil Bailie's post The 0.1% Solution over at his blog "Reflections on Faith and Culture" provides another chance to advocate Raymund Schwager's book, Banished from Eden.

Gil touches on the issue of suffering and the relieving of suffering from a Christian perspective. On the level of mimetic theory we may see other issues at work - both levels unveiling a satanic element for sure.

3 quotes from R Schwager's Banished from Eden pg 154 and 155 and 149:

The seduction of the human project of "self-deification tends therefore to move towards animal life and even ends by seeking the divine in what is lifeless."

"F. Tippler in his "Physics of Immortality" presents a physics in which he tries to explain God and the resurrection of the dead by physical formulas. He delineates a vision of a life that extends gradually in a digital fashion from our planet into the whole cosmos. Is this life anything more than the most complex, mechanistic information? In Girard's analysis of the logic of desire the imitator imitates his model and the model his imitator, until both appear indistinguishable from an observer's point of view. According to this logic, the living yearns for the lifeless and the lifeless for the living, until both are indistinguishable to everyday eyes."

"In a world of deception and suffering "every individual is necessarily threatened and profoundly intimidated. All therefore spontaneously seek good repute, appreciation, and honor in order to feel secure. However, a humanity requiring that each person support and make himself secure through others locks itself in its own prison, and in this situation true faith is impossible (John 5:44). By this reciprocal search for honor and recognition humans balance themselves through one another and thus shield themselves in a self-sufficient way against God. A satanic tendency arises, of which individuals may be largely unaware and in which they become entrapped."

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