Saturday, July 21, 2007

Third Man Theme

Only three top strings left on a guitar I got at a used store, but I figured out how to play the The Third Man theme on those remaining strings. But I like the original better.


Athos said...

The record spinning round and round and ... (snort, huh!?) Sorry, it's just so ... mesmerizing. I'm feeling sleepy ... sleepy ... Zzzzz, snort! Auntie Em, Auntie Em! zzzzzzzzzzz

David Nybakke said...

I am surprised at ya Ath, if you wanted a "Third Man Theme" video to post, why not this one? There is a bit more action in it and we have a Girard theme.

Athos said...

See, Porthos? Now you've got Aramis all confused too! Hep me, hep me! We been hypmotized!

David Nybakke said...

Okay, I screwed up and did not catch the fact that you wanted the "original" tune... Sorry!

That's right, not much originality in Don Quixote.

Porthos said...

Good one on the animation! Worthy of the sidebar for our music collection. That is the original, too, Aramis, minus the retro scratches on the ole 78.

(Ath means that you got me confused with him, Aramis.)

Hey, what's wrong with watching a beloved old 78 spinning on the portable player? I'm afraid you'll never make a good contemplative if you demand action scenes in all your YouTubes . . .