Wednesday, April 04, 2007

The Chaplet of Divine Mercy

Part One

Part Two

Part Three


Athos said...

Awesome piece(es), Porthos. A most excellent reminder of what, well, everything, is all about.

Ah. Perspective. You have no idea.

Cheers and off to morning Mass in a few hours.

Athos said...

A blog recommended by Amy Welborn, Catholic Dads. Timely.

Athos said...

Also, Catholic Converts. Take a look at the "badges", Aramis. Want to add one to our blog?

David Nybakke said...

By the way, I added the Catholic Converts "badge" to the sidebar. I also added the link to Girard's article, "Are the Gospels Mythical?".

David Nybakke said...

I need to have a little more time at the Catholic Dads blog. Something that Gil says in the tape series, "The Trinity" that concerns me about our gravitational pull toward thinking that fatherhood is all gender specific. Gender is a sub-issue to the much larger and anthropological issue that the Gospels have let loose on us. And until we commit ourselves to this larger picture you can bet that the soup opera will get steamier and steamier till we royally mess up both genders.

So I am all for dad's needing and getting help, but I think it can only come from those who are looking at it from the anthropological context.

Athos said...

Yeah, I agree, Aramis, with one caveat. As Porthos is wont to say, mimetic theory is a helpful tool so long as it isn't taken as a end all be all. The anthropological as a diagnostic instrument in the hands of the Church's Magisterium is extremely helpful for studying sin pathology and taking preventative measures. It is prayer, sacraments, faith, hope, and charity all in a relation with the Source and Summit of our being, Jesus Christ our Eucharistic Lord, where real life happens, IMHO!

BTW, I like your "soup opera" above!

Porthos said...

Good discussion, fellas. Our gendered being-- what it is and what it's supposed to be--is not something I can claim to comprehend. I think we might be well advised to turn to JP II's theology of the body, and then bring that back to MT, and see what the synthesis might be. With the usual heaping dose of anecdotal and armchair cultural analysis (we are universally acknowledged authorities in both, after all!).