Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Happy (One Month) Birthday to Us

So, how are we doing?

Speaking of young life, congratulations to Gil Bailie and his family on the birth of his first grandchild.

I don't know if it is proper to comment on this, but Gil Bailie's daughter-in-law is a rather (um, how shall I put this)
attractive representative of the female branch of the human family. . .

Am I being too blunt, here?

And we've been looking for a Beatrix for the Massketeers . . .


Athos said...

Not blunt, my dear Porthos, gauche.

However, I would deign to speak for us in general and say that the Three Massketeers applaud the happy occasion of the birth of the granddaughter of our fell mentor, Gil Bailie to son Hunt and daughter-in-law, Yuni.

And we would gladly accept a trifle, a dainty -- a single strand of hair or handkerchief from Good Lady Yuni -- as a token of our chivalrous esteem to truth, beauty and goodness.

Raise swords, gentlemen! We have our Beatrice!

Porthos said...

Here, here! Hurrah!

"Rather" was a massive understatement, but when heart attacks are an issue, understatement is prudent.

Porthos said...

Or is that, "Hear, hear!"?

Porthos said...

Is this an occassion for bumping the "Chorus Mysticus" to the top?

Porthos said...

You know, the "Chorus Mysticus" of Mahler's 8th.

Athos said...

Go for it, Porthos.