Friday, April 22, 2011

This Side of Eden - Trailer

A great and simple portrait of celebrating Holy Week and the Easter Triduum.


Gil Bailie said...

Thanks for this video. It's marvelous.

Athos said...

A glorious way to begin Holy Saturday morning, Aramis. Deo gratias!

Athos said...

BTW, do nearly ALL of us have a closet hankering to live the monastic life, follow St Benedict and St Bernard, praying the Hours and dirty our hands working God's good earth? It won't happen for me in this life time, that's sure. Just a-wondering.... Cheers

David Nybakke said...

Yes, a hankering. Rene in Battling to the End said; "reality is not rational, but religious." There is a lot more to this sense of the monastic life and what we get caught up with in our realities... And as you commented though, not in my life time.