If we think these gov't programs are just suffering a few quirks, but the sentiment behind them will show us the way back toward progress wait till we blanket ourselves in the big 'O's national health care program. Suddenly the caption in the cartoon above is not spoken by 'dealers' but individuals who will be lost in a system much more drenched in darkness and murky waters than what we have now.
Why is it, brother Aramis, that in this time of the meltdown of our cultural containment structures - anyone who's read Girard knows whereof we speak here at the 4M's - we keep seeing the new administration acting as though (a) the doctrine of Original Sin was revoked, (b) they sincerely believe in the myth of Romantic and Gnostic utopianism (if we all follow John Lennon's advice and just 'imagine' a better world, we can make it happen!), and (c) such monsters as Hitler have nothing to do with the likes of US'uns. No siree bob.
Mind you, if the Republicans came suddenly back to power in the White House and Congress, at this point in the sacrificial preparation, it would be an equally heinous prospect, I have no doubt. Turrbull times, bro, turrbull.
I keep your business in my daily intentions.
Why is it...?
without Christianity...
I like this from Gil Bailie and the comment is interesting too.
You wrote: Mind you, if the Republicans came suddenly back to power in the White House and Congress, at this point in the sacrificial preparation, it would be an equally heinous prospect, I have no doubt.
Mind you I agree but, question:
Is there any shred of Christianity left in the political sphere?
I know numerous people who are Christian and they are totally behind everything 'O' preaches. What is that?
Okay, that is 2 questions not 1.
I know numerous people who are Christian and they are totally behind everything 'O' preaches. What is that?
'Member that old quip from Gil: Sometimes you don't know if people are throwing down the gauntlet or throwing in the towel.
Without adequate understanding of anthropology - and it is a total gift of grace if one has it, particularly that of mimetic theory - many who call themselves Christian are caught and pulled into the undertow of internal mediation. We are so hungry for a Savior, we've forgotten the sad, sorry parable of Oz, Jim Jones, and the unnameable (because I wd be labeled something I'm not).
Both Right and Left begin in rivalry for the object, then begin to focus on one another - I Wun and Palin seem the foci presently. The viciousness propels the followers into an apoplexy like this (it cd and will go either way).
I say: go to Mass and Confession; grow vegetables and chickens if you can; keep your 22 cleaned and oiled (squirrel is good,really!). :O)
It's gonna get worse, however. It is indeed Mimetic Rivalry on a Planetary Scale.
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