Friday, July 11, 2008

Doug Barry Interview - Zenit

Doug Barry of Radix has been developing a camp for fathers and sons. This is an opportunity for teenage boys and their fathers to get away from the world's ideas of masculinity and the lies that go along with it and realize what God has always intended a man to be. RADIX Camp is about taking good young men and challenging them to become heroic.

Read all of Zenit's interview with Doug Barry, Becoming the Man God Made You to Be.


David Nybakke said...

Doug Barry writes: Jesus says that if we love him we will keep his commandments. We cannot follow or keep what we do not know. It seems clear that knowing, embracing and loving these basics of the faith is essential to our salvation. It is going to the "root" of our salvation.

Ah, someone who agrees with me. We need catechesis at all levels for it has been too many generations that have not been properly taught. Most of all we need good Catholic men and women to step up like Doug Barry and help in this need.

Thank you Athos for posting this info.

Athos said...

I notice that Mr. Barry does link to Mary Victrix, in the for what it's worth department.