Back in January, I wrote a post lauding the Joan-of-Arc spirit of
Dawn Eden. What a treat it was to get to spend some time with her yesterday evening. Knowing she would have last night open, Dawn invited a number of frequent visitors and comment-writers at her blog,
The Dawn Patrol, to share a "kaffeeklatsch".
It was a
chaste thrill having an espresso, talking with others (who now have faces as well as monikers), and getting a picture taken with her (see above).
Come back when you can stay longer, Dawn!
By the way, the kaffeeklatsch happened on G. K. Chesterton's 133rd birthday --
Awesome. She is a breath of fresh air. Thank you Ath for posting another link to her blog.
Bithday huh? well I kinda brought the cake, who was on candles duty?
Welcome, Monk! I enjoyed your blog post on the evening and your "muse", Dawn. Cheers!
Nice cake, Mike!
I nearly threw up after eating two of those cookies on the way home. ('Twas my attempt to stay awake).
Those Berger cookies have finally convinced me that sugar is a DRUG. The moment of lamenting their too-sweet taste was followed immediately by a desire for more.... and there I had an opened package...
Thankfully I have a family party to attend this weekend and I can take the UNopened package there. No diabetes for me! YAY!
p.s. enjoyed meeting you all. Thanks for making it a great night out for me!
Great to meet you and the rest of the gang Tuesday. I'd never met a musketeer in real life, so it was a special honor. :) I didn't have any of the cookies, but perhaps we celebrated in the way Chesterton--as a writer and a believer--would have most wanted...talking about words and God.
Boy do I feel left out! And at my own blog collective!
Well, I'm GLAD you all had such a WONDERFUL time, and that you ENJOYED yourselves so THOROUGHLY. It must have been absolutely DELIGHTFUL. (See Mrs. Norris in Mansfield Park)
A pleasure to meet you too, Kristine!
The evening was, in a word, heavenly. As more chairs brought for newcomers, Dawn introduced each person by name (and blog in some instances) to the new arrival. A rare and near instantaneous sense of belonging to something far greater than the individuals gathered together (tho' each was and is pretty special too).
Please let me know when the "D'Artagnan" slot opens up, as I did take fencing in trade school (granted, it was the actual building of fences)
Ah, yes. I too remember those carefree days of my youth, fencing over hill and through neighborhoods --redwood and chainlink mostly. Somehow I thought fencing was supposed to be more ... romantic and debonaire.
The D'Artagnan slot IS open, actually. We had another candidate, but he finally demured (I haven't discussed this with the other 'Teers yet.)
If your serious and if the other 'Teers agree, you're all 4 1.
"If you're serious" not "If your serious."
Two requirements (from me): (1)you must at least read Bailie's Violence Unveiled -- primer on Girard's mimetic theory; and (2) help Aramis find a "mug" shot for you.
I don't think we should be too legalistic on the "mug" aspect of the mug shot.
But I've only got one vote here . . .
Liked that Stradivarius post, Monk. Reminds me of parts of My Way of Life, a "Summa for dummas" that Athos recommended to me way back.
How would we verify that Monk actually read Violence Unveiled (as opposed to just claiming he'd read it)?
I propose a test conducted by Instant Messenger, whereby Monk would not have time to crib.
Bob Dylan's preformace was at
A) a club at the VIllage
B) a military academy
c) a benefit concert
d) Altamont
Answer in three seconds, please.
That kind of thing!
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