Monday, January 21, 2008

Goals of the Year of St. Paul

h/t to Michael at Annunciations.

The Pauline Year will therefore, particularly for Catholics, be an invitation:

A) to rediscover the great figure of the apostle Paul, his tireless and varied activities, his many travels, particularly recounted in the Acts of the Apostles, written by St. Luke;

B) to reread and study his numerous letters addressed to the first Christian communities;

C) to relive the early days of our Church;

D) to deepen his rich teaching addressed to all and meditate on his strong spirituality of faith, hope and charity;

E) to make a pilgrimage on his tomb, and in many places he visited, where he founded the first ecclesial communities;

F) to revitalize our faith and our role in the Church today, in light of his teachings;

G) and finally to pray and work for the unity of all Christians in a church that is united, and that it is true “Mystical Body of Christ.”

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