Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Rational Faith

FAITH IN THE ONE GOD is the only thing that truly liberates the world and makes it "rational". When faith is absent, the world only appears to be more rational. In reality the indeterminable powers of chance now claim their due; "chaos theory" takes its place alongside insight into the rational structure of the universe, confronting man with obscurities that he cannot resolve and that set limits to the world's rationality. To "exorcise" the world -- to establish it in the light of the ratio (reason) that comes from eternal creative reason and its saving goodness and refers back to it -- that is a permanent, central task of the messengers of Jesus Christ.

- Benedict XVI, Jesus of Nazareth [174]

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sweet quote! The religion of atheism has to substitute its own mysticism (chaos theory, quantum uncertainty, etc...) in place of the complexity of God. I see more and more that atheism isn't rational at all...even though "reason" is their tagline. Well said, Pope Benedict!

Justin M. Sellers