Saturday, October 25, 2008

Up Mt. Cithaeron with Big O

From a Girardian view of the election campaign, it is so much fun to be part of the (self-) righteous entourage of the youthful god as he takes them up Mt. Cithaeron (cf. Euripides' THE BACCHAE). Never mind it will lead to more human sacrifice - invalidating all limits on abortion (read: infanticide) as well as eliminate all restrictions on governmental funding of the same. This is par for the course as far as paganism goes.

But, you must understand, the Bacchae following Barack feels righteous; after all, they are opposed to more deaths in Iraq. And the bacchanalia following Big O is soo much more fun than following Moses up Mt. Sinai, or Christ up Calvary.

Oh, yeah, and one last thing: be careful around them. They can get brutal. Just ask Pentheus.

1 comment:

David Nybakke said...

Good post dear Ath. Too bad it is so hard to fill in ALL the dots to help people connect everything you posted here and here, Belien - Lost Continent. I think your post of the video Face-to-Face dramatizes the war between Satan-the spirt of abortion and death and Mary - who in her womb brings forth the elect into the glory of heaven. (213)

Yes, the elect often bungles things up along the way, however they march in the glory of LIFE doing what they can to end the slaughter of the innocents. While in the "other" camp we see the unquenchable appetite for more and more innocents.