Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Each is Responsible for the Salvation of the Other - Mimetic Theory

a tip to Annunciations

The pope continues his teaching on the Fathers of the Church, from Asia News Italy:

“Well prepared married couples close the door to divorce”: this urges the necessity of a Christian formation from early childhood. It is also the “most current” lesson of “the authentic presence of Christian lay faithful in families and in society” which comes from St John Chrysostom and which Benedict XVI indicated to the 20 thousand people present at the general audience.
And from the family it follows on that each one of us “is in some way responsible for the salvation of the other, this is the principal of our social life: not being only self-interested”.
Mimetic theory teaches that the more we are self-centered and only interested in ourself the less ontological density we have and the more prone we are to falling into the mimetic entanglements of rivalry and violence. So not only from the moral and social levels does Church teaching make sense, but also from a psychological level as well.

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